Monday, 1 February 2010

Photo Ethics - Ways To Change A Picture

Changing a images perspective or meaning could be done through the context in which the photograph is given in will change the viewers opinions. By changing the the context, you are automatically changing the viewers perspective.

For example, the picture above may just show a crowd of people with a child holding a flag standing opposite a backdrop of a sea of soldiers. If someone was to show this picture during a lesson, the viewers point of view would be different to someone else's view if it was shown on a political campaign.

Another way of changing a picture would painting someone out or cropping the picture. If we look at the original picture to the one above, it would create a different meaning.

We can see that the original picture has G.W Bush standing on a podium creating a point for a political ad campaign. The effect of the picture has been changed due to the podium being there. It has more of an impact without G.W Bush in the picture.

Changing the frame of the image can completely change the way someone would see the exact same picture e.g cutting a particular person out for more of an impact on the viewer or cutting a particularly bad object out the image to make the subject seem less important as well as having less of an object.

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